Saturday, May 29, 2010

Training Camp

One more day here in the US of A and i couldn't be more excited. We leave at around 5 a.m. on Monday morning. Training today was very heavy. We had what they called a "World Feast." We went into it not really knowing what we were going to do. There was a big table with candles and place mats, another table with four spots on it and it looked even nicer than the other. There were two spots on the ground with tape outlining a square and a triangle. We each got called to different groups. I was a #4 so i had to sit on the ground with a bunch of other people, we were crammed together inside these lines and we got two rolls and a can of water. Group #3 got rice and beans. Group #2 had a feast, and Group #1 had a five course meal. We sat and watched as they received there food, and we had barely anything to eat. A little bit later one of the people from the feast said, "we are allowed to take one of you, to eat with us, and i will let you guys choose." I have been a little sick with a cough so my team nominated me and I couldn't do it, i couldn't sit there and eat while the rest of my group was so hungry. So we chose someone else and she went. She sat down and the staff, or worker, pulled the chair away from the table as if she were an outsider. they asked her what she wanted on her plate, with tears in their eyes. She put the tray on her lap and she began to sob. This broke me. I can't believe we as Americans sit and eat our meals without thinking of the poverty that is all around our world. It breaks my heart to know that there are millions. Millions of people starving around the world. Although, it was a simulation it touched all of our hearts and really brought out so many emotions. Anger, sadness, guilt. We experienced these together. It was a crazy experience.

Tomorrow the India team, Rachel, Monica, Courtney, Kirsta, and myself will be attending a Hindu church to understand more of the Indian's culture. I cannot wait. Then Monday at 5 A.M. we will be on our way to INDIA!!! Thank you all for your prayers. I will try to update my blog once a week. Love you ALL!


  1. What a powerful experience! Cannot wait to hear how the Lord continues to touch your life and use your experiences to touch others. praying for your energy and safe travels Jenna. Love you.

  2. what an incredible opportunity! you are going to be stretched and changed....and then come back and change us :)
    can't wait to hear all you do with god! praying for you.

  3. oh my gosh so you're with Kings right now and you're probably still super tired and extremely full of food but I hope you can already see God at work!! have you met the kids?! how's kings! ahhh I just want to be with you!!
