Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I cannot wait till the day we see Jesus face to face. This world is full of temptation, and we are called to rise above it. Recently, God has shown me what a position of leadership truly means. Being a leader for Christ, means you are set apart from the others, and shine Christ's light to those around you. You have an impact in any and every situation. I feel called to accept those who are forgotten.
God Calling-
Remember, you are only an instrument. Not yours to decide how or when or where you act. I plan all that. Make yourself very fit to do My work. All that hinders your activity must be cured.
"Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Your Life is a Story

I just finished an amazing book called, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years by Donald Miller. Incredible book. It is the journey of Miller discovering himself and how others stories can impact his own. I was inspired. Now I’m sitting in this plane thinking to myself about my own story, and watching others. There is a man on this plane who is paralyzed and his family is with him, His wife and little baby. His beautiful wife stood up with their son and the baby was staring at his father with an enormous smile on his face looking at his dad. It was the most beautiful thing to watch. Here a man sits who’s paralyzed from the waist down living his life. Now granted I don’t literally know his story but watching it inspires me. This child smiling down at him made me realize he is not a man who is paralyzed, he is a man with an incredible story. I love the way God has given us each a story to tell others about. Here is a quote from the book that I love, “We live in a world where bad stories are told, stories that teach us life doesn’t mean anything and that humanity has no great purpose. It’s a good calling, then, to speak a better story. How brightly a better story shines. How easily the world looks to it in wonder. How grateful we are to hear these stories, and how happy it makes us to repeat them.”

God is guiding us to live our stories out, sort of like when we see a blind woman being guided by a man to her seat. Having God by our side helps us to feel more secure, there may be bumps and you may run into things, but still you end up in your seat. He guides you to your seat and then you end you up creating a story. The journey it took you to get to your seat. Your story is important to God and others. Live a life of purpose.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Live The New Song

This Thanksgiving holiday has really got me thinking. There was a terrible accident on the highway near my house, where two young lives were taken, and one in critical condition. I wasn’t close to these girls but it has been lying heavy on my heart. I can’t imagine. Life is so short and can be taken from us at any moment. I started asking myself questions. What will happen when I die, how will I die? I was freaking myself out. I realized I am afraid to die. I asked my dad during our church service this morning, what happens if your afraid to die? He said then your living too much for yourself. I started to think about what it is that I am doing to further God’s kingdom. As I was thinking, the pastor began to speak about the second coming, as it is very popular to speak of the second coming on the first Sunday of advent season. I felt so convicted the whole service.
I’m living my life selfishly and I’m called to win others to Jesus. Isn’t this our job here on Earth? Give me your eyes for the broken, and a burden for the lost. I have decided that I will take action on these thoughts I am having. Lord please direct our paths as Christians to show others you every chance we get. I will continue to seek you on this, and ask for any opportunities that may come my way. So the question is are you living your life to glorify him? Are you telling others about him? Challenge yourself to create a new song.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
-Hebrews 12:2

No distractions sweep us away in your love! Love You.

Singing Over Me

Where to start? This past year has been life-changing. Coming back from India, i didn't honestly know how i would handle things. God has challenged me in so many ways, and I wouldn't trade anything for this amazing opportunity I've been given. I have made so many new friends and I am so incredibly grateful for the new relationships I have formed. God continues to bless me time and time again. I am so undeserving.

Recently God has grabbed a hold of my heart, and is calling me to love selflessly, like my Indian friends. I have always been known as a crazy, fun, rowdy girl, always looking to have fun, but God has really challenged me to show people the real me. I want to be known for my relationship with Christ. A lot of the times it is hard for me to get my emotions out, but God keeps calling me to show people the emotional side of me. I want to reflect Christ's love in all of the things i do. I love having fun, and being crazy, but I want people to know the reason why i have fun, because God is singing over me, He is truth, He is life, He is all i need. My passions are given to me by God. God has given me more than I deserve, I want everyone to know that. I want to be the Lord's instrument. Send me Lord.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Swept Away

Tonight i miss India. It will forever be in my heart. I have already learned so much about myself since i have been back. God has given me so many opportunities to serve him , and I am so thankful for those. I am one of the most distracted people i know. Right now God is teaching me to focus on him. My prayer this year is this: Give me your Eyes Lord, I want to wash a stranger's feet. My desire is to be swept away in your love. To be content and SELFLESS.

I am so ready for this year and all the challenges and exciting tasks that i will face. I am so undeserving of God's grace, but he still never fails me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

There are many feelings that I cannot begin to express that I have had during this amazing experience. Our goodbyes were painful. Some of the children were crying and when we had the big goodbye ceremony they offered us each gifts. A lot of the gifts we received were flowers. Which now have so much value to me. Just the fact that these little kids wanted to offer us gifts, for a friendship they were just introduced to, really got me thinking. Almost everyone in Tamil Nadu wants to go to America. In their words, “America is Super.” I don’t think they know how exceptional India is. It is more than a country, it is unity, it is Love, India is love. The last Sunday in Tamil Nadu, I preached on faith and how when we give God our full faith we will receive blessings, also how everything that we have is God’s. God spoke right through me and I didn’t get too emotional but I told them all thank you. When I put my full faith in God for this trip I received a blessing, and that was the trip itself, and all my many new friends. Rachel spoke at one of our last Cottage Prayers and it was amazing. She spoke about 1 Corinthians 13:13 and she went on to say that in America she would have never been invited into a complete strangers home and have been given tea or coffee. Even though we technically gave up our summers, we had gained so much through the kindness and loving spirits of the people. We all began to cry and that’s when a lady said something in Tamil and at that moment Kingsley couldn’t translate because he got choked up. We found out later that she had said, don’t cry girls, we are here for you. This is the perfect example of the love that I’m trying to explain. Our anthem for this summer is Love is Here, by Tenth Avenue North. Every time i listen to it i will always remember.