Monday, May 17, 2010

Pleasing to You

God continues to shine through people all around me. Coming to SNU i knew that I would meet some life-long friends but i had no idea how many. I am so happy to know that i have so many praying for me and this summer. I am at home in Boise, ID and I love spending time with my family and friends. I am definitely ready to begin this life-changing trip. I was talking recently to a friend who came back from Romania and he said, "As Americans we go into mission trips thinking that we will "save" or "help" the people, but they end up impacting out lives more than they will ever know." I can't wait for this.

This song is my favorite worship song right now it's called Maker of Heaven by Desperation Band. This is my prayer.

Keep my heart amazed
Let me see Your wonders every day
Teach me in Your ways
So that I may fear
You are walking on water
You are calling me after
You are standing beside me now

You are the Maker of Heaven
You turn my world around
You're making all things new again
Through it all I know
You are God alone

Set my heart on fire
Let me burn
With passion for Your name
Take over my life
I surrender now

You are God alone


  1. Jenna! You are an incredible writer and I love reading your thoughts on here. Thanks for being so transparent! Know that I am committing to pray for you DAILY this summer while you are in India! I CANNOT WAIT to hear all about your journey... both the physical journey and the spiritual one.

  2. So excited for you Jenna!!! I know God is going to do AWESOME things in and through you and I am grateful for the ability to share this journey with you through this blog. Praying for you each day as you follow closely to His direction and voice. Know that there are many people lifting you up on those days that just seem too hard and on those days when joy overflows inside of you. Can't wait to hear the incredible stories and memories of this life changing experience! So excited to serve alongside you next year!
